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Glass Rolling Tray Premium - Assorted Designs


Glass Rolling Tray Premium - Assorted Designs

Elevate your smoking experience with our Glass Rolling Tray Premium in assorted colors, featuring unique designs like Halloween style, Monster Eye, Tribal Indian All-Seeing Eye, and more. Each tray is crafted with precision and style to add a touch of personality to your smoking sessions.

Key Features:

  • Durable and high-quality construction
  • Available in assorted colors with eye-catching designs
  • Perfect for rolling and preparing your favorite herbs
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Enhances your smoking setup with a personalized touch

Assorted Designs:

Choose from a variety of eye-catching designs, including Halloween style, Monster Eye, Tribal Indian All-Seeing Eye, and more. Each design adds a unique and artistic flair to your smoking accessories collection.

    Upgrade your smoking gear with the Glass Rolling Tray Premium in assorted colors. Explore the Rolling Tray Collection collection at Smoke Tokes and discover high-quality smoking accessories designed to enhance your smoking experience.